Burps and belly rumbles

So far this has just been a duping ground for moans, groans and over exagerated injustices that have rained down on me. If you look close though, you might just find a post or two of opinion and not complaint.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Honor update - part 2

So, I just realised I never completed the tale of the missing Honor 6 I won over Christmas, I guess I should put that right.

When we spoke last I had been contacted by Wilkin Lee from Honor to promise that they were on the case and would make good the prize's that I and others had won. True to their word, we did all receive our prizes and in jig time from Wilkin stepping in, but things also took another little twist from that point as well.

"When life gives you Lemons, Make Lemonade", and if you are really lucky you will have some Vodka in the back cupboard so that the Lemonade doesn't go to waste as well. The over extended wait without any information is without doubt the Lemons, the speedy response after my initial blog post about it has the bubbles of Lemonade, which just leaves the Vodka. The day after my initial contact with Wilkin he got in touch again, this time he had heard through a mutual friend that I was one of the organising team for March of the Droids and wondered if Honor could get involved. Our next event was in March so the timing was perfect for us.

I have since met Wilkin again, this time in Glasgow at an event held in conjunction with Skyscanner, another MotD supporter. If I could turn the clock back, I doubt I would change a thing, that initial cock up worked so well in my favour. I need to take my hat off to Wilkin, the guy has started a new job of promoting the Honor brand  within the UK and instantly walked into a massive fuck up that meant instead of starting at zero, he was already in the negative, but he has engaged with the community and turned a full 180. Even if you never buy an Honor handset I recommend that you do follow them on social media and even join the Honor club & take a run along to one of the events they put on.

It's nice to fnally put something on here for a positive reason.